

Senin, 29 Mei 2023


A.  Berilah tanda silang (X)  pada huruf  a,b, c, atau d jawablah yang paling benar !

Read the dialog and than answer the question for number 1 – 4

Mrs. Susi            :  I want some apple please.

Seller                  :  I have red apples and green one

Which one do you want ?

Mrs. Susi            :  I want the red ones. I like red apple

Seller                  :  How many do you need.

Mrs. Susi            :  I need one kilo.

1.      Where is the conversation take place.

a.       Hospital                   b.  Market                    c.  Garden                    d.  Farm

2.      Which apple does Mrs. Susi like ?

a.       Yellow apple                       b.  Green apple c.  Blue apple               d.  Red apple

3.      How many apple does she need ?

a.       one kilo                   b.  two kilo                   c.  three kilo                 d.  four kilo

4.      Does seller sell apple ?

a.       no. she doesn’t        b.  not so bad               c.  yes she does            d.  never mind

5.      If I want to buy a book I will go to the . . . . .

a.       florist                       b.  book shop               c.  drug store                d.  photo – center

6.      Arrange these words into good sentences “ coconut oil – want – I – some – buy – to “

a.       I want buy some to coconut oil                     c.  I buy to want some coconut oil

b.      I buy want some to coconut oil                     d.  I want to buy some coconut oil

7.      My mother usually give her childrens . . . . . . . every morning.

a.       lunch                        b.  breakfast                 c.  dinner                      d.  eat

8.      She . . . . . . my english teacher.

a.       is                 b.  am               c.  are               d.  was

9.      The synonim of the word “ clever “  is . . . . .

a.       beautiful                   b.  tall                           c.  smart                       d.  happy

10.  My father work in the school, he is a . . . . . .

a.       Teacher                   b.  Farmer                    c.  Doctor                     d.  Police

B.  Pilihan ganda kompleks.

11.  Which one of the following thing belong to drink ?

a.       milk             b.  tea               c.  meat            d.  bread

12.  Which one of the following thing does not belong to fruit ?

a.       banana         b.  cabbage      c.  candy          d.  apple

13.  Please chose the word related to shopping bellow.

a.       bargain and dentist   b.  bargain and money   c.  price and farmer       d.  price and expensive

What kind of physical appearance for this animals.

a.       colourful

b.      big

c.       tall

d.      pretty

15.  Which one of the following statemen belong to give instruction.

a.       no parking here                    c.  put the book on the table

b.      Don’t open it ok ?                d.  may I use your pen, please


16.  What are the statemen  including to the short notice.




c.  stand up please


d.  please open the door


17.  What are the thing can you find in the drugs store, bellow.

a.       cough syrup b.  book                       c.  aspirin                      d.  sugar

18.  What the right characteristic of your English teacher ( NURLIYANI ) that you know.

a.       brown skin               b.  easy going               c.  big and tall               d.  nice and helpful

19.  Which are the following name part the body of the animals.

a.       eye, tail and wing     b.  eye, elbow and foot c.  hand, nose and foot          d.  feather, neck and spur

20.  Which one of the following things belong to wild animals.

a.       rabbit and lion          b.  birds and cat            c.  tiger and scorpion                           d.  lion and snake

C.  Soal menjodohkan

Match the sentence in group A with the word in the place in the group B.

                                                  ( A )                                                           ( B )

21.        If I want to buy a mackered, I will go to the . . . . .

22.        A . . . . uses a piece of chalk and araser for work.

23.        The colour is orange, it is beautiful. it is keep in aquarium  . . . . . . .

24.        Lion and tigers are wild animals they living . . . . . .

25.        If I want to bay a note book, I will go to the . . . . . .

A.   gold fish

B.    book shop

C.   teacher

D.   Supermaket

E.    on the land

D.  U r a i a n :

Please read the text and then answer the question for number 1 – 3.

This is Sonia school Mr. Abdu Hanan is the headmaster he is in his office. Miss Nurliyani is her English teacher she is in the teacher’s room. Marsya is Ulfa friend. She is in the clase room. Mrs. Salbiah is librarian she is in the library Mrs. Maunah is a physics teacher. She is in the laboratory. Pak Mamun is a senior. She is in the sckool garden. Look the students are in the school yard.

Q u e s t i o n :

1.      Who school is this.

2.      Where are the student

3.      Who is the head master in the text above

4.      Please write the thing in the right colum bellow.


























5.      Please look at the picture and then give name part of the body ( min 5 )

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